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Does the color of your packaging matter?
Hint, it's in the emotional content.
TL;DR: Your customers are deciding what to buy within 90 seconds of seeing your product. Approximately 62 to 90 percent of their assessment is based on the color(s) of your packaging.
What about COLOR? 🎨
Tell me how you feel...
Today we're exploring the influence that color has in the buying decision and we're using an excellent summary article (found HERE)
Most cannabis companies rightfully obsess over the imagery of their packaging and branding, but we would guess that far fewer obsess about he colors of their packaging.
Research indicates that COLOR is the primary indicator that a potential customer will use to make a buying decision in the first 90 seconds. The reasons for this are obvious, when your brain is sorting between the 20 options in front of you, before you interpret the imagery and text, you're drawn by the color.
The grass ain't always greener...
If there's one color that is ubiquitous in cannabis, it's green ![]()
But why? Of course brands want their consumers to feel the hope, balance, and reassurance of our product, but is that really all we have to say? Early research (i.e. Cimbalo et al. 1978) showed that colors, while individual in experience, have general associations with positive and negative. Yellow, Orange and Blue are commonly seen as happy, Red, Black and Brown are often associated with sad. While Green is notably missing from this early study, we should consider the more general point, what do we want our customers to feel and how can we convey that feeling to them through color? |

Look outside of Cannabis
Take a look at your packaging, your branding, your website.
Honestly ask yourself, how are you using color to convey the message of your brand? How green heavy are you? Are you intentional about the colors that you're using on your packaging, website and social channels?
(If you have a TON of Green in your branding and packaging and do not have strong imagery, congratulations, you're just like everyone else. How do you expect a customer to be able to choose you over someone else?)
Look at brands you admire outside of the Cannabis space and emulate your favorites (while remaining legal, of course), get out of the trap of everything green!

We LOVE talking about packaging, customization, the legalities and production in the cannabis space. If you ever want to hop on the phone with one of our packaging gurus, feel free to book a time HERE. |
Tags: Packaging